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Topic: TamarasPhotos2008 278.jpg

Date: 16/04/2010

By: angel125

Subject: why?

why is so blurry?

Date: 19/07/2009

By: London Tipton

Subject: Why is it Blurry?

Why is it so blurry??

London Tipton Mood:Confused :S

Date: 29/12/2008

By: Mermaid96

Subject: I know

I know how to make a great pick of ur room..
Go to ur room, then click the button "Stamp R Sist" from ur keyboard.
Open ur graphic program and click "paste" then save it and send it.
I have a barbie site too...Go to

Date: 13/08/2008

By: Icy

Subject: Why it's blurry.....

It's blurry because she took the pic with here cam instead of doing it the modern way. ~Icy~

Date: 07/06/2008

By: Emily

Subject: Cool

my room even cooler but i love yours too

Date: 26/05/2008

By: sophia

Subject: i cant even see something u so mean

so blur

Date: 08/05/2008

By: jella

Subject: nice

why blurry??